New Report Finds that Takata Faked Airbag Test Data


On Tuesday, the Senate Committee on Science, Commerce and Transportation released a startling report regarding the recent Takata airbag recall. Based on internal documents from Takata, the Committee found that company officials presented falsified test data to Honda, who was the company’s largest customer.

While the product being tested was experimental, these findings come at a terrible time for the troubled auto parts manufacturer. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration is reportedly debating whether or not Takata should recall tens of millions of additional airbags. To date, Takata has recorded more than $550 million in losses associated with this dangerous part.

A Widespread Defect

This Senate report is just the latest discovery in a series of issues with record keeping and quality control. The defective airbag inflators were known by Takata engineers to be dangerous before they were even introduced in 1999, but executives allegedly withheld and destroyed testing evidence that indicated this danger. Due to the company’s poor record keeping, government officials are unsure of exactly which cars are equipped with this dangerous part. This uncertainty could lead to the aforementioned expansion of the recall, as government officials would like to err on the side of caution.

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