3 Common Swimming Pool Defects


During the summertime, swimming pools throughout the country are being used to help us beat the heat. For kids, the swimming pool is a fun place to play games and socializing with friends. For adults, pools are a place to relax or even to conduct an exercise that is easy on the joints.

However, swimming pools are also associated dangers and risks, including defects in the pool itself or some of its parts. When you or a loved one is injured due to a defect in a swimming pool, you may be able to seek compensation from the manufacturer, installer, or seller of the pool through a product liability lawsuit to recover financial compensation.

Structural or mechanical issues with swimming pools that cause serious injury generally fall into these three categories:

  • Drain and pump defects – Drains or pumps which are improperly covered or experiencing a malfunction can result in a problem known as “suction entrapment.” A person may get stuck underwater due to the force of the drain suction or may get his or her hair caught in a drain and end up either drowning or getting seriously hurt.
  • Pool filter defects – There are some pool filters which have been prone to explode because of the compressed air used. Explosions can lead to shrapnel being launched and causing serious injuries.
  • Diving board, slide, and ladder defects – When diving boards are installed in pools which are considered too shallow, or if ladders and slides fail, the individual using these types of equipment can sustain severe injuries.

The person or company which can be held liable for injuries to an individual using their swimming pool products depend on the circumstances and the nature of the defect. An injury may be caused by defects in the design of the pool, in the manufacturing of the pool or its parts, or in the installation of the pool.

If you suffered a serious injury caused by a defective swimming pool or component, contact our Los Angeles product liability lawyer at Shoop | A Professional Law Corporation today.

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