What Can Be Done After a Child Suffers Injuries Due to a Defective Toy?

Shoop | A Professional Law Corporation

When a product is considered defective, it’s often because the manufacturer rushes the product to market and fails to go through proper protocols to test for safety. This means some hazards make it past the safety testing and the product is put on the shelves—potential danger intact.

For a child’s toy to be defective is unacceptable as it can cause significant and sometimes fatal harm to an innocent child. Understanding what can be done should a child suffer an injury is imperative and allows the family of the child to take action and hold the negligent manufacturer accountable.

Obtaining Compensation

Of course, with any kind of injury comes the need for long-term medical care, especially when the injuries caused by the defect are significant. This requires the family to find a way to cover the exorbitant costs associated with medical bills, medication, and more.

Taking legal action allows the family to pursue compensation to help cover the losses associated with the injury the child suffers. This can also take into account pain and suffering the child feels and potential damages due to loss of enjoyment in life.

Forcing a Change In Procedure

Not only does taking legal action help with compensation, it can also create change and set a standard for the industry with an emphasis on safety. It shows that bypassing safety procedures for profits has consequences when this results in harm.

Taking action brings the negligence into the public eye and forces the manufacturer’s hand. The manufacturer must make it right and work in a way that protects consumers moving forward into the future. By taking action, you can help prevent others from experiencing the same harm.

Our Los Angeles product liability lawyers are here to help you understand what rights you have to move forward. We’ll work with you to explain your options and put together a strong case together for you and your child to pursue compensation.

Trust in Shoop | A Professional Law Corporation to be by your side every step of the way and guide you through the complex legal matters that follow. We’re not afraid of large corporations, and we’re not afraid to go the extra mile on your behalf.

Call our firm today at (866) 884-1717 to discuss your potential case.

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